
Showing posts from June, 2019

June 30 Daniel Rowland 3

Every affliction is very useful and profitable to the godly. The prodigal son had no thoughts of returning to his father's house till he had been humbled by adversity. Hagar was haughty under Abram's roof and her mistress was despised in her eyes but in the wilderness she was meek and lowly. Jonah sleeps in the ship but in the whale's belly he watches and prays. Manasseh lived as a libertine in Jerusalem and committed the most enormous crimes but when he was bound with chains in the prison at Babylon his heart was turned to seek the Lord his God. Daniel Rowland 1711-1790

June 29 Philip Henry 2

All grace grows as Love to the Word of God grows. Philip Henry 1631-1696

June 28 Thomas Coke 2

Prayer is an antidote to every ill; and while we have a throne of grace open, where we can pour all our complaints into the bosom of a compassionate God, however perplexed, we need never be in despair, but should quietly wait to see the salvation of God. Thomas Coke 1747-1814

June 27 John Elias 1

We neither feel nor see others experiencing his powerful operations! It is not often that unbelievers may, when they come to our congregations, cry out, ‘God is of a truth among you.’ And, alas! there is but little lamentation on that account! John Elias 1774-184 1

June 18 Ann Griffiths 1

I have been finding it very stormy for a long time now. Very many disappointments in myself continually. But I must say this, that all trials, all winds of whatever sort, work together thus, namely to bring me to see more of my wretched condition by nature, and more of the Lord in his goodness and unchangeableness towards me. Ann Griffiths 1768-1805 (original in Welsh)

June 17 George Herbert 1

The consciousness of a duty performed gives us music at midnight. George Herbert (1593-1633)

June 16 John Dyer

A man may go to heaven without health, without riches, without honours, without learning, without friends; but he can never go there without Christ. John Dyer (1699-1757)

June 15 Daniel Rowland 2

He heard no sermons or voice from heaven. He ... had nothing presented to his view but a bruised Christ torn and mangled on the cross ... Here is free grace indeed! Let our hearts burn with gratitude to our redeeming God and let our lips resound his praise. Though this man was as far from believing in and loving his Saviour Jesus Christ as the east is from the west yet he was converted in a few minutes ... from a thief into a martyr ... from the gallows to paradise. What a wonderful change is this that a robber sentenced to the cross and railing at his fellow sufferer should as it were in the twinkling of an eye be absolved. Daniel Rowland 1711-1790

June 14 Philip Henry 1

I will not say, as the beggars at our door used to do, 'I'll never ask anything of Him again;' but, on the contrary, 'He shall hear oftener from me than ever,' and I will love God the better, and love prayer the better, as long as I live. Philip Henry 1631-1696

June 13 Thomas Rhys Davies 1

Ignorance is the devil's college. Thomas Rhys Davies 1790-1859

June 12 Walter Cradock 1

We are not sent to get galley-slaves for the oars, or a bear to the stake: but He sends us to woo you as spouses, to marry you to Christ. Walter Cradock 1606-1659

June 11 Daniel Rowland 1

Lost men love doctrine, saved men love Christ. Daniel Rowland 1711-1790

June 10 Thomas Coke 1

The design of God's word is, to encourage the faith, enliven the hope, and quicken the obedience of his people. Thomas Coke 1747-1814

June 9 Stephen Olford

There was no “easy believism” in Paul’s presentation of the Gospel. Decision was to be accompanied and followed by devotion. Jesus Christ IS Lord and, therefore, MUST be Lord in our lives. Stephen Olford 1918-2004

June 8 R B Jones

In some ways, to speak of “The Welsh Revival” may sometimes be worse than misleading. ... It may be that Welsh ears are somewhat ultra-sensitive, nevertheless it cannot be denied that there have been attempts ... at discrediting the whole movement. Suggestions have been thrown out that it was little other than a characteristic unrestrained letting loose of “Welsh emotion!” ... this sounds rather foolish to Welsh people who know ... many of their compatriots to be as stolid and impassive as any, and ... read occasionally of ungovernable emotion at such places as Epsom Downs and Wembley. R B Jones 1869-1933

June 7 William WIlliams Wern 1

Ejaculatory prayer is like the rope of a belfry the bell is in one room and the end of the rope which sets it a ringing in another Perhaps the bell may not be heard in the apartment where the rope is but all can hear it in its own Moses laid hold of the rope and pulled it hard on the shore of the Red Sea and though no one heard or knew anything of it in the lower chamber the bell rang louder than ever in the upper one till the whole place was moved. William Williams of Wern 1781-1840

June 6 Rees Howells

You may live in a crowd but you meet God and face eternity alone. Rees Howells 1879-1950

June 5 John Heading

Many servants of the Lord today cannot even begin to assess how much their present positions derive from the prayers of mothers years before ... prayer affects the unknown future and the work of God through His servants. John Heading 1924-1991

June 4 F R Havergal 1

“This view of moments seems to make it clearer that it is impossible to serve two masters, for it is evident that the service of a moment cannot be divided. If it is occupied in the service of self, or any other master, it is not at the Lord’s disposal; He cannot make use of what is already occupied.” Francis Ridley Havergal 1836-1879

June 3 John Cory

It is God’s divine purpose that in saving you, you should become the saviour of others. I want to impress upon you that, next to the joy of realizing one’s own salvation is that of being the instrument in God’s hands of leading others to the knowledge of the Saviour. John Cory 1828-1910

June 2 Vavasor Powell 1

The fear of death is ingrafted in the common nature of all men, but faith works it out of Christians. Vavasor Powell 1617-1670

June 1 D M Lloyd-Jones 1

The glory of the gospel is this: that you and I not only can do nothing, we are not expected to do anything. He asks nothing of anyone but just this: that you see yourself as you are in the sight of God. Dr D Martyn Lloyd-Jones 1899-1981