
Showing posts from August, 2019

August 27 Christopher Love 4

Pour not on the comforts you want, but upon the mercies you have. Look rather at God's ending in afflicting, than to the measure and degree of your affliction. Christopher Love 1618-1651

August 26 Ficer Prichard 2

The Word's a candle, to give light, The Word will shew thee, where to tread, The Word will guide thy airy flight, The Word to heaven will thee lead. The Word's far beaming light pursue - Whate'er thou'rt bid by Jesus, do - Whatever He forbade, eschew - And thou shalt strait to heaven go. The Gospel is the lucid star -— That darts its cheerful gleam abroad, He, who pursues its rays - tho' far, Needs never fear to miss his road. Ficer Rhys Prichard 1579-1644

August 25 John Elias 4

O the wretchedness of the condition of those men who are without Christ! No tongue can ever tell, and no finite mind can ever fathom to eternity, the thousandth part of the misery of men without Christ! Bare, without a robe! Ill, with no physician! Hungry, having not the bread of life! Filthy, with no fountain! Guilty, with no righteousness! Lost, with no Saviour! Damned, with no Atonement, John Elias 1774-1841

August 24 Llynfi Davies 1

The Good Shepherd Jesus is, Feeds the lambs and sheep does he; Winter, summer, faithfully My Shepherd dear is he. Keeps my soul from harm does he, On his throne in heaven he rules, Always listens to our plea My Saviour dear is he. (From the Welsg original) Llynfi Davies 1876-1937

August 23 George Lewis 1

Strange that I am not burnt down By the flames, Brought low by your righteous frown, For my faults. That on earth today I live, I will praise You -  To your praise and glory live, Who has spared me. (From the Welsh original) George Lewis 1763-1822

August 22 Thomas Charles 2

A true Christian zeal is the most humble, mild and benevolent temper that can influence the hearts of men or angels. It is the fervour of Divine love; and "love is kind; vaunteth not itself; is not puffed up; is not easily provoked, but bears all things." Bitterness and wrath against any persons, even against avowed enemies, are as different from Christian zeal, as darkness is from light. Thomas Charles  1755-1814

August 21 Thomas Gouge 1

The preface of the Lord's prayer, is in these words, “Our Father which art in heaven.” Expl. Here God is described by his goodness, and by his greatness. His goodness is implied in this title, Father. His greatness is set forth by the chief place of his residence, which is heaven, where his glory is especially manifested. The former sheweth how ready God is to hear and answer our prayers; being our gracious Father in and through Jesus Christ. The latter, how able he is to help us, and grant our requests. Thomas Gouge 1605-1681

August 20 John Evans 1

Let it be our daily concern and prayer, to have a more full and lively persuasion of those truths, with which we are acquainted. Though we should be concerned to grow in the extent of our faith, because nothing, which God hath seen fit to reveal, is without its use one way or another, at one time or another, in the Christian life: yet I take it to be of more consequence of the two, to have our faith to grow intensively, though it should not take so wide a compass. He is the better scholar, and like to make more profitable use of his learning, who hath carefully and well digested a few books in comparison; than he, that hath cursorily run over a far greater number: so a Christian, of smaller attainments in knowledge, if he hath but a firm and lively faith in the fewer principles of religion with which his mind is furnished, will far exceed a more knowing Christian, who gives but a weak assent to his larger store of divine truths. John Evans 1680-1730

August 19 D M Lloyd-Jones 4

To have fellowship with men who deny the truth is to deny the truth by implying that the truth does not matter. Dr D Martyn Lloyd-Jones 1899-19

August 18 Christmas Evans 3

On a day ever to be remembered by me, as I was going from Dolgelley to Machynlleth, and climbing up towards Cadair Idris, I considered it to be incumbent upon me to pray, however hard I felt my heart, and however worldly the frame of my spirit was. Having begun in the name of Jesus, I soon felt as it were the fetters loosening, and the old hardness of heart softening, and, as I thought, mountains of frost and snow dissolving and melting within me. This engendered confidence in my soul in the promise of the Holy Ghost. Christmas Evans 1766-1838

August 17 Vavasor Powell 4

Pray that thy last days, and last works may be the best; and that when thou comest to die, thou mayest have nothing else to do but die. Vavasor Powell 1617-1670

August 16 Christopher Love 3

If the elect could perish, then Jesus Christ should be very unfaithful to his Father, because God the Father hath given this charge to Christ, that whomsoever he elected, Christ should preserve them safe, to bring them to heaven. Now should not this be accomplished, Christ would be unfaithful to his father. John 6.39. Christopher Love

August 15 Walter Cradock 4

A woman that hath butter in a dish, she melts some of the butter, but if she take it too soon from the fire there will be a core, a knob in the dish left, and being taken from the fire it grows bigger till all be hard. So a weak saint: by studying the promises of God and the love of God, it dissolves much of the knobbiness, yet there are some hard thoughts and jealousies and suspicions; but God comes at last, and melts all the butter together, all the knobbiness that is in the heart, every thought and imagination of terror and guilt and fear, that there is a clear and pure principle of love to God - and then the soul is fond of him. Walter Cradock 1606-1659

August 14 Griffith John 2

It is possible to evangelise the world in this generation, if the Church will but do her duty. The trouble is not with the heathen. A dead Church will prevent it, if it is prevented. Why should it not be accomplished? God will have all men to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth. The resources of the Church are boundless. Let the will of the Church be brought into line with the will of God, and nothing will be found to be impossible. May God grant it! Griffith John 1831-1912

August 13 Benjamin Francis 2

Set the Lord always before you, Watch over your thoughts, words, and actions. Abominate hypocrisy, and every secret sin. Cultivate a humble, meek, placid, even, contented, loving, and benevolent disposition of mind, which is both amiable and beneficial.... Hate all evil, love all moral good, and Oh! rest not without Christ in you the hope of glory. Benjamin Francis 1734-1799

August 12 David Charles 1

O great Jesus, give your pure mind To succour one in barren land That he may in his upward quest Through conflict find eternal rest.  (from the Welsh original) David Charles 1762-1834

August 11 William Rees 1

On the mount of crucifixion fountains opened deep and wide; through the floodgates of God's mercy flowed a vast and gracious tide. Grace and love, like mighty rivers, poured incessant from above, and heav'n's peace and perfect justice kissed a guilty world in love. (from the Welsh original) William Rees 1802-1883

August 10 Griffith Jones 2

True faith in Christ is an active and vital principle, and worth effectually in the soul, to lead men to endeavour after a real conformity to the Spirit and life and doctrine of the blessed Redeemer ... Divine love must sway their delights, desires and affections, for faith worketh by love. They must cleanse themselves from all pollutions of flesh and spirit; for faith purifieth the heart ... Faith will work an admirable change for the better in every part of man; for if any be brought by it into Christ Jesus, he is a new creature, old things are done away, and behold all things are become new. Griffith Jones, Llanddowror 1684-1761

August 9 Howell Harris 2

We are about soul's work, eternity work and God's work; there is no jesting with God. Howell Harris 1714-1773

August 8 John Elias 3

We stand in need of ... fresh, powerful manifestations from heaven. We are, alas! accustomed to go on with the service of God in human strength; praying, hearing and preaching in that way! We are so lukewarm, without the light and the power of the Spirit! John Elias 1774-1841

August 7 Ann Griffiths 3

Dear sister, it is such a great privilege that one’s condition can be found reflected in God’s Word. O to hold it up to the holy mirror to the end of making use of a Mediator. Ann Griffiths 1776-1805 (original in Welsh)

August 6 Walter Cradock 3

I fear our fast days are the most smoky days in God's nostrils of all the days of the year. Walter Cradock c 1606-1659

August 5 Vavasor Powell 3

Affliction is the spiritual Shepherd‘s hook, with which he draws back straggling, straying, and wandering sheep; or, as the salt that new seasons the almost quite corrupted flesh, and it is the book wherein all Christ’s scholars learn experience; as the Apostle makes experience the fruit of patience, and patience the product of tribulation. Vavasor Powell 1617-1670

August 4 D M Lloyd-Jones 3

You and I, in the last analysis, are what we are when we are alone. I confess that in a sense it is easier for me to preach from a pulpit than it is to sit alone in my study; it is probably easier for more people to enjoy the presence of our Lord in the company of other Christians than when alone. Paul would have us enjoy what he himself was enjoying. He had a love for the Lord that rendered him independent of all that was happening. Dr D Martyn Lloyd-Jones 1899-1981

August 3 Daniel Rowland 5

I trust we are of the same seed, and shall at last stand before the same throne forever; and who knows but we shall first be tied to the same stake, and ascend up in the same chariot. Let us not then quarrel, though we can’t see alike. Daniel Rowland c 1711-1790

August 2 William Williams Pantycelyn 3

Like lighting one small candle to supplement the sun, Is adding man’s weak merit to what our Lord has done; For he the books of heaven has cleared by his blood, Our righteousness is in him, his name the Son of God. William Williams Pantycelyn 1717-1791

August 1 Christmas Evans 2

Whom do I see in the garden yonder, in such agony of soul, prostrate in prayer, and sweating great drops of blood ? Job's Living Redeemer. Why is his heart thus wrung with anguish ? Is there a dark register of sins in his conscience, like the fiery hand-writing of God upon the wall? No, he has not a single crime to confess. He has done no iniquity, neither is guile found in his mouth. Why then does he suffer? He is bearing our griefs, carrying our sorrows, and receiving the chastisement of our peace. Christmas Evans 1766-1838