
Showing posts from October, 2019

October 30 D M Lloyd-Jones 7

Whenever you put happiness before righteousness, you will be doomed to misery. That is the great message of the Bible from beginning to end. They alone are truly happy who are seeking to be righteous. Dr D M Lloyd-Jones 1899-1981

October 24 Howell Harris 5

Since I have spent so much of the flower of my time in vanity and folly, I hold myself obligated now to do all I can to undeceive poor mankind, that are kept from real and solid happiness and pleasure in looking at the outside of things. Howell Harris 1714-1773

October 23 Thomas Rhys Davies 3

The way through the Red Sea was safe enough for Israel but not for Pharaoh he had no business to go that way it was a private road that God had opened up for his own family.  Thomas Rhys Davies 1790-1859

October 22 Walter Cradock 6

Take a saint, and put him into any condition, and he knows how to rejoice in the Lord. Walter Cradock c 1606-1659

October 21 Christmas Evans 5

How vast the difference between Messiah's first and second advents! When he “tabernacled and dwelt among us,” he appeared “in the form of a servant;" but when he shall come again, he shall come as a judge, and “ sit upon the throne of his glory;" and “all that are in their graves shall hear his voice, and come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life ; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” Christmas Evans 1766-1838

October 20 Jessie Penn-Lewis 2

He (Joshua) is commanded to be strong, with his only equipment the Word of God and implicit obedience to it! Such was Christ's equipment . The Lord said He lived by the Word of God, and that His meat was to do the will of His Father. Jessie Penn-Lewis 1861-1827

October 19 Vavasor Powell 6

Bad times well improved are far better than good times not redeemed or misspent. Vavasor Powell 1617-1670

October 18 William WIlliams Wern 4

Many wicked thoughts may present themselves to my mind for which I am not accountable so long as I do not welcome and harbour them. Should a gang of thieves call at my door to seek lodging and entertainment I cannot help it but if I take them in I then become a partaker with them. If the mind invite unhallowed thoughts in and entertain instead of driving them away it then participates with them and is responsible but it cannot help these thieves calling .... William Williams of Wern 1781-1840

October 17 David Thomas 3

Sin is like fire … in its tendency to spread itself … power of changing everything to its own nature ... repelling energy ... devouring capability … power to inflict pain … in its susceptibility of being extinguished. David Thomas 1813-1894

October 8 Griffith John 4

The Holy Spirit is the source of spiritual unity! He is the Fount of all true joy! We as missionaries need the fullness of this joy. Without it our work will be a burden to us, and we shall toil on with the hearts of slaves; and the hearts of slaves are never strong. Griffith John 1831-1912

October 7 Ann Griffiths 5

I have found much pleasure in meditating on the Shunammite woman setting aside a room on the wall for the man of God to rest in when he passed by, placing in it a bed, a table, a stool and a candlestick. Perhaps that woman, in her longing for the prophet, often paced the room, and found cheer in expectation of the man. But be that as it may, it comforts the heart of a believer, in the absence of the visible countenance of his Lord, that the furniture is still there in some senses. For one thing, it is a sign that he has not been given up. For another thing, it is too hot a lodging for a devil. ‘When the enemy shall come in like a strong river, the Spirit of the Lord shall chase him out.’ Ann Griffiths 1768-1805 (original in Welsh)

October 2 John Elias 5

The Spirit has been promised, to teach us all things respecting Christ. It is the anointing of the Holy One, that is, Jesus: he teacheth us the knowledge of all things as they are, enabling us to know God, ourselves, and the Mediator; he instructs us how to live godly, to acquire every virtue and excellency, to hate the evil and to flee from it, to die happy, and to attain eternal felicity. John Elias 1774-1841

October 1 D M Lloyd-Jones 6

I am not asking whether you know things about Him but do you know God, are you enjoying God, is God the centre of your life, the soul of your being, the source of your greatest joy? He is meant to be. Dr D M Lloyd-Jones