
Showing posts from December, 2019

December 27 Ann Griffiths 10

I am cheered by the thought that a sinner is free to speak so much of Jesus Christ before the throne of grace, with heaven smiling and hell trembling. Let us magnify our privilege that we have known something of the effects of the eternal covenant decreed above. Ann Griffiths 1768-1805 (original in Welsh)

December 26 Thomas Charles 6

(The Bible) contains all the information, counsel and direction which we can want in every case and under all circumstances. It directs you to God through Christ that you may be at peace with him and take him for your everlasting portion and friend. It directs you how you are to be made holy that you may thereby be rendered meet for the enjoyment of your God and how you are to walk in all things so as to please him. ... Make the Bible your friend and constant companion. When you have a family if ever feed your family with it and let them have daily the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Thomas Charles (1755-1814)

December 25 Anonymous

The Christ Child will lead us, the Good Shepherd feed us and with us abide till his day. Then hatred he'll banish; then sorrow will vanish, and death and despair flee away. And He shall reign ever, And nothing shall sever From us the great love of our king. (from the Welsh original) Anonymous

December 24 Daniel Rowland 8

... He who upholdeth all things by his power is upholden himself in the arms of a woman. The invisible Jehovah is seen by poor shepherds. He who feeds every living creature sucks the breast. David's Lord is called David's son. The Lord of all disdains not to be a servant to all. Daniel Rowland 1713-1790

December 23 Howell Harris 6

I see that the more we are persuaded by the Holy Spirit of God*s love to us, the far stronger will be our love to Him. Howell Harris 1714-1773

December 22 Thomas Rhys Davies 5

Moses was learned but slow of speech; it was well that he was so or perhaps he would not have found time to write the law. Thomas Rhys Davies 1790-1859

December 21 Daniel Rowland 7

View him in his birth. He who inhabiteth eternity dwelleth for some months in the womb. He who hath neither beginning nor end condescends to be born in our world. The everlasting Father becomes an infant of days. The word is unable to speak. Wisdom itself knows not the difference between good and evil. ... Daniel Rowland 1713-1790

December 7 David Thomas 5

Amusements are to religion like breezes of air to the flame. Gentle ones will fan it but strong ones will put it out. David Thomas 1813-1894

December 6 Christmas Evans 7

Faith is the wedding ring by which the poor daughter of the old Ammonite is married to the Prince of Peace; she is raised from poverty to opulence from degradation to honour not because of the intrinsic value of the ring though it is a golden one but on account of the union which it signifies between her and the beloved Prince, Christmas Evans 1766-1838

December 5 Morgan Edwards 1

I have when I first came among you placed the religion of Jesus in Love. Love to God and love to man. So that they who have that religion are loving and lovely. So that where this love is wanting that religion is wanting. So that all words and works inconsistent with love are irreligious. And I mention this love last also because I would have you consider it as the alpha and the omega of Christianity. Morgan Edwards 1722-1792

December 4 Vavasor Powell 7

If thou hast fallen into sin through violent temptations, seek speedily for repentance for it, recovery out of it and reformation from it. Vavasor Powell 1617-1670

December 3 Thomas Charles Edwards 3

We must not say that the spirits of the righteous have departed from us, let us rather say that we by being made righteous have come to them. We stand now before the tribunal of God the Judge of all. Jesus has fulfilled His promise to come and receive us unto Himself that where He is there we may be also. Thomas Charles Edwards 1837-1900

December 2 William Williams Wern 6

The prayer meeting is the pulse of the church. If the pulse beat strong and regular it indicates a strong and healthy constitution but if feeble and irregular, it is a sign of ill health and weakness. When the constitution of the church gets healthy and strong, the prayer meeting will be thought much more of than our anniversaries. William Williams of Wern 1781-1840

December 1 John Elias 6

And was it for my sin that Jesus suffered so, When moved by His all-powerful love He came to earth below? Thy holy law fulfilled, atonement now is made, And our great debt, too great for us, He now has fully paid. (from the original Welsh) John Elias 1774-184 1