
Showing posts from January, 2020

January 16 David Thomas 6

The atonement is not like a banquet accommodated to the tastes and wants of so many and no more. Like a masterpiece of music its virtues are independent of numbers. David Thomas 1813-1894

January 15 Thomas Rhys Davies 6

If you have no pleasure in your religion make haste to change it. Thomas Rhys Davies 1790-1815

January 14 Howell Harris 7

Every idle word we speak, every vain imagination, every moment's forgetfulness, and every foolish smile, and every look that is not full of God, proves yet an unmortified root of the old nature, and should still make us wash the Saviour's feet. Howell Harris 1714-1773

January 11 D M Lloyd-Jones 8

Faith is the refusal to panic. Dr D M Lloyd-Jones 1899-1981

January 10 Benjamin Francis 3

Place then your entire confidence in Christ for the whole of salvation: let the declarations and promises of the gospel be your only warrant for believing in him: and consider your purest principles, happiest frames, and holiest duties, not as the foundation, but the superstructure of faith. Benjamin Francis 1723-1799

January 9 Christmas Evans 8

A cradle a cross and a grave all of his Father's appointing must Jesus have in order to open a fountain of living water to the world. Christmas Evans 1766-1838

January 8 John Elias 7

Notwithstanding appearances let us not despair or be disheartened perhaps some of the good seed cast into the ground is not devoured up by the birds or scorched by the heat or choked by the thorns but may yet appear and bear fruit. God is ever living, almighty and infinitely merciful and he can of these stones raise up children unto Abraham and make a barren church a joyful mother of children. John Elias 1774-1841

January 7 Vavasor Powell 8

A heart unconverted is contented with nothing but what is helping it unto hell and it hath never enough of that very sin. And the heart converted is never satisfied but with what helps it towards heaven and yet thinks it has never enough thereof namely of Christ and grace. Vavasor Powell 1617-1670

January 6 Thomas Jones Cleaton 1

No wonder the godly love one another fervently with pure unfeigned love, seeing they are all the children of the God of love, are born of the same pure Spirit, receive their life from the same glorious head, derive their nutriment from the same root, feed on the same living bread and drink of the streams of mercies which flow from the same living and inexhaustible fountain, even free grace ... Thomas Jones (1752-1845)

January 5 Thomas Coke 4

... the Gospel method of pardoning sinners through the death of Christ, is an exercise of mercy, which, instead of weakening, has greatly strengthened the authority of the law of God; consequently, it is perfectly suitable to his character, and subservient to the ends of his moral government. Thomas Coke 1747-1814

January 4 Philip Henry 5

It is easier to go six miles to hear a sermon, than to spend one quarter of an hour in meditating upon it when I come home. Philip Henry 1631-1696

January 3 Seth Joshua 1

Held an open-air service near the lodging house. While singing the hymn, “Just as I am,” a man came into the ring and gave himself to the Lord. He knelt down on both knees. I feel sure this was sincere. Seth Joshua 1858-1925

January 2 William Williams Pantycelyn 5

Awake, my soul, and rise Amazed, and yonder see, How hangs the mighty Saviour God, Upon a cursèd tree! How gloriously fulfilled Is that most ancient plan, Contrived in the eternal Mind Before the world began! Here depths of wisdom shine Which angels cannot trace; The highest rank of cherubim Still lost in wonder gaze. William Williams Pantycelyn 1717-1791