
Showing posts from February, 2020

February 28 Carnhuanwc

What has raised our nation from the ignorance of barbarism but the Bible? - What has given us our present exalted character among the enlightened nations of the world, but the practice of the Bible principles. Let us cherish this light among us, lest he come and remove our candle-stick out of its place, and our country be plunged into deeper ignorance than before; lest ages of intellectual darkness again afflict our country. Who would wish to see the gospel light extinguished in our land? What a morning to awake in! Thomas Price (Carnhuanawc) 1787-1848

February 27 Seth Joshua 2

(To the woman who became his wife) Mary, are you saved? Her reply, Well, you know, Seth, that I have been con­firmed. His, Yes, my dear, and vaccinated; but are you saved? Seth Joshua 1858-1925

February 26 Geoffrey Thomas 2

The only New Testament precedents for spreading the Gospel are godly living, praying, and bold speaking. Geoffrey Thomas

February 25 Thomas Rhys Davies 8

Pharaoh commanded that Moses should be drowned; in after days Pharaoh was paid back in his own coin. Thomas Rhys Davies 1790-1859

February 23 Howell Harris 8

I hope I shall contend with my last breath and blood, that it is owing to special, distinguishing, and irresistible grace that those that are saved are saved. Howell Harris 1714-1773

February 14 Benjamin Francis 4

never rest on dytues and ordinances, but constantly rest in Christ alone and look for every blessing you need, in and thro' him, the infinitely prevalent Mediator. Banjamin Francis 1734-1799

February 13 Thomas Charles 8

We have many blind people wo treasure up the word of God in their memory. One blind lad commits a whole chapter to memory by having it read over to him about four times. I have also met with many melancholy instances of very great ignorance among grown up people which has induced me to press them earnestly to attend the Sunday schools. Thomas Charles 1755-1814

February 12 Thomas Charles 7

There is a little girl only five years and a half old who can repeat distinctly above one hundred chapters and goes on learning a chapter every week besides the catechism and searching the scriptures for passages on different points in divinity. Thomas Charles 1755-1814

February 11 Christmas Evans 9

My friend, the mole in the meadow has never seen a king; shall he therefore say there is no king? O thou atheistic mole! thou hast never travelled out of thy own narrow field; and if thou hadst, thou hast no eyes to see with; and wilt thou dare to say there is no God? Dost thou think all others as blind as thyself? All that thou canst say is, that thou dost not see God, and dost not wish to see him. How dost thou know that the being of a God is not so manifest on the other side of the river of death, that no doubt is entertained concerning it throughout all the expanse of eternity? Can the earth-mole say there is no grand Lama in Tibet? Poor worm! thou must travel through the gates of death, and fathom the bottomless pit, and measure the land of destruction, and scale the very heaven of heavens, and surround all the borders of time and eternity, before thou canst assure thyself there is no God! Christmas Evans 1766-1838

February 10 Stuart Olyott

God is at work in my life. And why would he do such a thing? There can be only one explanation: it is because he has chosen to. My Salvation depends then on God. He chose me in Grace. And this God is unchangeable. Having set His love on me, will He fail to bring me to Heaven? Stuart Olyott

February 9 Vavasor Powell 9

Christ puts most of his oil in broken vessels, in broken hearts there is most grace and best kept. Vavasor Powell 1617-1670

February 3 Ann Griffiths 6

O, my head should be all waters, Weeping day and night away: Zion’s army, with its banners, Melts before the heat of day; O reveal again the pillars, Mainstay through her night of loss, God’s own promises, unchanging, Sealed supremely on the cross. Ann Griffiths 1778-1805 (original in Welsh)

February 2 Thomas Rhys Davies 7

Many have a brother’s face, but Christ has a brother’s heart. Thomas Rhys Davies 1790-1859

February 1 William Rees 2

On the mount of crucifixion Fountains opened deep and wide Through the floodgates of God's mercy Flowed a vast and gracious tide Grace and love, like mighty rivers Poured incessant from above And Heaven's peace and perfect justice Kissed a guilty world in love. (from the Welsh original) William Rees 1802-1883