
Showing posts from March, 2020

March 25 Ann Griffiths 7

O! to drink on high for ever, Where salvation’s waters rise, Drink, till I no longer thirst for Transient things the earth supplies; Ann Griffiths 1778-1805 (original in Welsh)

March 24 Griffith Jones 5

Remember what he was when on earth, and follow him in his contentment under the greatest poverty, in his humility and self-denial when most honoured, in his patience under the severest sufferings, in his faithfulness under the greatest temptations, in his love for his most inveterate enemies, in his hatred to every sin, in his zeal for the glory of God and in his compaastoo towards the souls of men. Be resolved and determined through grace thus to follow him, whatever impediments may come in your way. Griffith Jones (1684-1761)

March 18 Howell Harris 9

The Lord comes down amongst us in such a manner as words can give no idea of. Though I have, to prevent nature mixing with the work, openly discountenanced all crying out, yet such is the light, view, and power that God gives very many in the Ordinance, that they cannot possibly help crying out, praising and adoring Jesus, being quite swallowed up in God. Howell Harris 1714-1773

March 17 Selwyn Hughes 2

Christian is someone who knows that his or her salvation was planned in eternity, has entered into it through faith in Christ, is set apart from the world, and enjoys an ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ. Selwyn Highes 1928-2017

March 16 Thomas Rhys Davies 9

Judas is much blamed for betraying Christ for three pounds; many, in our day, betray him a hundred times for three pence. Thomas Rhys Davies 1790-1859

March 15 Benjamin Francis 5

I want (ie lack) large gifts and abilities, but I far more desire a burning zeal for God to make my present endowments turn to greater advantage; I have but a few more years if any to serve Christ and his Church on earth ... O pray for me that I may be faithful, diligent and successful unto death. Benjamin Francis 1734-1799

March 14 Siencyn Penhydd

Humility is as beautiful an ornament as a cow's tail but it grows like the cow's tail downwards. Thomas Jenkin (Siencyn Penhydd) 1746-1807

March 13 William Williams Pantycelyn 6

... all the reasons that scholars around the world have produced to prove that Christ is the true Messiah are not adequate to support the soul in the day of adversity or to lean upon amidst the flames. WIlliam Williams Pantycelyn  1717-1791

March 12 William Williams Wern 8

The prayer of faith is sure to succeed. Our prayers often resemble the mischievous tricks of town children who knock at their neighbours houses and then run away And we often knock at heaven's door and then run off into the spirit of the world instead of waiting for entrance and answer. William Williams of Wern 1781-1840

March 11 Vavasor Powell 10

A hypocrite is like a white stone in the water among other stones and of the same nature with other stones there hard heavy cold and inflexible and differs only in colour. A true Christian is like a flint though it falls into the water it retains its fire still so doth he retain his grace notwithstanding his corruption. Vavasor Powell 1617-1670

March 10 Thomas Coke 5

Let the righteous rejoice; let the sinner tremble. In a moment this dread eternity opens, and their everlasting state is determined. Oh! that it might awaken the fears of the ungodly, and quicken the diligence of the faithful! Thomas Coke 1747-1814

March 9 Jehoiada Brewer 1

Hail, sovereign love, that first began The scheme to rescue fallen man! Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace, That gave my soul a hiding-place! Jehoiada Brewer 1752-1817

March 8 Philip Henry 6

‘Tis no easy matter to be saved. ‘Twas difficult work to Jesus Christ to work redemption for us. ‘Tis difficult work to the Spirit to work grace in us, and to carry it on against corruptions, temptations, distractions. Philip Henry 1631-1696

March 7 William Williams Wern 7

A stony heart is a heavy one for a stone is heavy and the sand weighty; it draws its possessor to the earth, it is an earthly one. The Holy Spirit first strikes it with the hammer of the word till it is broken in pieces. He then gradually takes it out piece after piece and when the last is taken out the new creature is light enough to ascend to heaven. William Williams of Wern 1781-1840

March 5 Walter Cradock 7

It is better to have division than an evil uniformity. Walter Cradock c 1606-1659

March 4 Daniel Rowland 9

The heart is a pearl: give it to thy God. He prefers this to mountains of diamonds. All thy sacrifices without this are but sacrileges. If thy heart is upright and pure, “thou art all white as snow in Salmon.” It is the Lord that made it pure - give him what he has himself formed. Daniel Rowland 1711-1790

March 3 Griffith Jones 3

I need not tell you that those always are the best sermons which bring one's heart nearer to God, which render Christ dearer to us, by representing our need of him, our misery without him, and our privileges by him, and which convince us of the necessity of holiness, and of the Spirit's influence to that end, exciting and assisting us to mortify the dearest sin, and to vanquish the strongest temptation, and weaning us from earthly enticements, teaching us to live in communion with God, and to bear up comfortably under all the disquietudes of this life, and fitting us for a comfortable passage through the pangs of death. Griffith Jones, Llanddowror 1684-1761

March 2 Thomas Charles 9

Looking unto Jesus and considering him, is the very life of the soul every step of the way. Whilst the eye is there, faith and patience cannot fail, the soul will be neither weary nor faint. Whilst we are looking unto him and considering him, we cannot but take up the cross, and follow him under the cross, shame, and contradiction. Thomas Charles 1755-1814

March 1 St David

Be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed. Do the little things that you have seen me do and heard about. I will walk the path that our fathers have trod before us. St David 500-589