
Showing posts from May, 2021

May 31 Walter Cradock 10

The Lord takes a great deal of delight to train and bring up his child to be more in love with him. God will so train and bring him up, that if he throw him into the worst condition that can be for body or soul, and shall say, 'What thinkest thou of me now? Hast thou any hard thoughts of me?' saith God. 'No,' saith the soul, 'all is love.' Walter Cradoock 1606-1659

May 30 Thomas William

I heard of old that Jesus, Who still remains the same, To publicans gave welcome, And sinners deep in shame. Oh God! receive me with them, Me also welcome in, And pardon my transgression, Forgetting all my sin. Thomas William Glamorganshire 1761-1844 (Original in Welsh)

May 29 Philip Henry 10

The best way to fight against sin is to fight it on our knees. Philip Henry 1630-1696

May 28 John Elias 10

Every knowledge in comparison of that of Christ, is but loss and dung; to know him is everlasting life. John Elias 1774-1841

May 27 Siencyn Penhydd 2

There are many who complain that they can scarcely remember anything they hear. Have done with your lying. I'll be bound to say you remember well what you sold your old white horse for at Llandaff fair three years ago. Six or seven pounds was it? Certainly that has not escaped your memory. You can remember anything but the Gospel! Thomas Jenkin (Siencyn Penhydd) 1746-1807  

May 26 Lewis Bayly 4

... That we may in our Prayers and Meditations conceive aright of his Divine Majesty and not according to those gross and blasphemous Imaginations which naturally arise in Men's Brains, as when they conceive God to be like an old man sitting in a chair and the blessed to be like that Tripartite Idol which Papists have painted in their Church windows Lewis Bayly 1575-1631

May 25 Thomas Coke 10

They who would go to heaven, must expect crosses in the way. The Israelites no sooner begin their journey, than they are in want of water ... Nor was their condition much mended at Marah, where, though there was plenty, it was ... not fit for drink. Our expected comforts are thus in the possession often embittered, in order to lead us to the Fountain of living waters. Thomas Coke 1747-1814

May 24 Thomas Coke 9

Nothing is so valuable an acquisition as an immortal soul: one such won to Christ is better than the riches of both the Indies. Death eternal, of body and soul, is the wages of sin; and unless we are saved from it now, we must be undone for ever. Thomas Coke 1747-1814

May 23 Christmas Evans 10

Always have a book to read, instead of indulging in vain conversation. ... Remember this, that you cannot commit some loved sin in private, and perform the work of the ministry in public, with facility and acceptance. Christmas Evans 1766-1838

May 22 Philip Henry 9

If the end of one mercy were not the beginning of another, we were undone. Philip Henry 1630-1696

May 21 Thomas Coke 8

We have not only a glorious hope before us, but have likewise the most reviving supports by the way; for the Spirit of our God, quickening, comforting, strengthening us, helpeth our infirmities, that we may not sink under our burdens or be discouraged by our trials. Thomas Coke 1747-1814

May 20 Thomas Coke 7

All Christians are bound to read the Scriptures diligently; nor can there be a stronger mark of Antichrist, than the keeping these sacred records sealed up in an unknown tongue ... public worship is very defective, where the Scriptures are not read in the congregation. Thomas Coke 1747-1814

May 19 John Elias 9

Ministers seem often satisfied with having freedom to speak, and seeing many hearing them with attention and delight; but alas! without experiencing the effects of the power promised to attend the ministry of the gospel, the power necessary to produce a saving change in the sinner. The ministry neither alarms, terrifies nor disturbs ungodly persons who sit under it … John Elias 1774-1841

May 18 William Williams Pantycelyn 10

Many are ashamed of the cross to this day, but he suffered the cross taking no account of the shame and he is now at the right hand of God. He boasted in the cross and all the ignominy that was associated with that cross. William Williams Pantycelyn 1717-1791

May 17 John Elias 8

It is a great blessing to be enabled to remain in the Lord's house. A delightful morning, a glorious day will yet surely come. The dawn is to be seen over the hills in the faithful promises. Let us believe, expect, pray and labour. John Elias 1774-1841

May 16 Philip Henry 8

The pilot is wise though the sea is rough. Philip Henry 1630-1696

May 15 Thomas Olivers 2

The God who reigns on high The great archangels sing, And Holy, holy, holy! cry, Almighty King! Who was, and is, the same, And evermore shall be: Jehovah - Father - great I AM, We worship Thee! Thomas Olivers 1725-1799

May 14 Titus Lewis

Great my Jesus in His Person. Great as God and man is He, Great His comeliness and beauty, White and ruddy, fair to see, Great that sight, Sovereign Might, Throned secure on heaven’s height! Titus Lewis (1773-1811) (Translation Graham Harrison)

May 13 Thomas Charles 10

The Bible ... You can converse with him any hour of the day or night, silently and privately. And his advice is that of the highest wisdom and goodness and may be safely relied on and followed. You cannot do better than follow his directions in all things. The information he gives you is of the greatest importance and divinely gracious. He will also tell you the same story over again and again a thousand times with the greatest patience if you have time and inclination to listen to his instructive tale. Thomas Charles (1755-1814)

May 12 Thomas Jones Cleaton 2

... justification should be your chief object at first and when he is well informed on that he can hardly be wrong in other thing.. Tell him how our sins were imputed to Christ and how the righteousness of Christ is imputed to believers being apprehended by faith. Let a man learn that Christ is alone the Saviour and that all is of grace then he can never be wrong ... Thomas Jones (1752-1845)

May 11 Richard Davies

This is Jesus’ precious Bible, This the gift of God’s right hand; Teaching how to die triumphant, How to live His pure command; This reveals the loss we suffered When in Eden sin enticed; And it shows the way to glory If we follow Jesus Christ. (From the Welsh original) Richard Davies 1833-1877

May 10 Thomas Coke 6

Our instructions will be always barren, if they be not watered with our tears and prayers. Thomas Coke 1747-1814

May 9 Lewis Bayly 3

... if thou art persuaded that God is true, why dost thou doubt of his promises? - and if thou believest that God is beauty and perfection itself, why dost not thou make him alone the chief end of all thine affections and desires? For if thou lovest beauty, he is most fair; if thou desirest riches, he is most wealthy; if thou seekest wisdom, he is most wise. ... Lewis Bayly 1575-1631

May 8 Jehoiada Brewer 4

Death we admit is a penalty. By sin came death. Death is an enemy the last enemy but blessed be God he is a conquered enemy. The captain of our salvation has destroyed him who had the power of death. Influenced by the faith of God's elect, believers in all ages have triumphed over death. They have sung with their expiring breath and exulted amidst the swellings of Jordan. Jehoiada Brewer 1752-1817

May 7 Philip Henry 7

The happiness of heaven is the constant keeping of the Sabbath. Heaven is called a Sabbath, to make those who have Sabbaths long for heaven, and those who long for heaven love Sabbaths. Philip Henry 1631-1696

May 6 St Cadoc

There is no king like him who is king of himself. St Cadoc (born c 497)

May 5 Walter Cradock 9

I would do a hundred things that Christ hath not commanded, and leave undone a hundred things that Christ hath not forbidden, rather than be tied to one thing by men that Christ hath not commanded. Walter Cradock c 1606-1659

May 2 Lewis Bayly 5

Use, therefore, to eat and to drink, rather to sustain and refresh the weakness of nature, than to satisfy the sensuality and delights of the fles h. Eat,therefore, to live, but live not to eat. Lewis Bayly 1575-1631